A Little Girl, Her Rabbit, and Rain

When someone mentions rain to you, what usually pops into mind? Such answers are typically an umbrella, fireplaces, homes, hot chocolate, and soup. Sometimes, family and close friend(s) also come into mind.

You may wonder what I think of when someone mentions rain. I would tell you about one particular rainy day and my torn up rabbit doll I’ve had since kindergarten and how I would take it with me everywhere. This doll was my best friend and I got it when I was in the hospital for an illness. It always had some great significance to me, even to this day.


When I was younger, I would take my doll out with me, sit on the rock underneath the gigantic eucalyptus tree, and watch the rain descend to the earth. The sight of rain always filled me with an awe I truly cannot put into words, so while the rest of the family was inside, drinking their tea and watching television, I was out in the rain with my rabbit.

When it was finally time to head back inside, my mother would towel my doll and I off and put a bowl of homemade soup in front of me. After I finished, I would put my doll in the washer, watching it slosh around for a couple of minutes before getting on with the rest of my day. Missing the doll, I would often times check up on it. It was my best friend growing up, so I felt the need to make sure everything was okay and comfortable.

When I was getting in bed, my mother would always take her out for me before I went to sleep so I wouldn’t feel lonely. Putting it next to me, and kissing me and the rabbit goodnight, it would bring a sense of closure to my rainy day. Closing my eyes and hugging her tight, that would be the end of my rainy day.

Rain is not God’s tears of sorrow, for they replenish the earth with it’s properties. Rain is God’s tears of joy and abundance.

~Ericka Greene